1st day: Arrival in Rome and visit of the city

Arrival in Rome and start of the guided visit of "imperial Roma": Colosseum, Roman Forum, Campidoglio, Piazza Venezia. In the afternoon transfer to hotel in Castelli Romani area. Arrangement in hotel, dinner and night.

2nd day: Castelli Romani

Breakfast in hotel and departure for a full day guided excursion of Castelli Romani. In the morning visit of Castel Gandolfo with the Pope’s summer residence (external),  Marino, who preserves ruins and monuments of baroque period, and Grottaferrata, known for its abbey. Continuing to Frascati, the most famous among castles, who boasts several villas, included the splendid Villa Aldobrandini. Lunch in typical restaurant. In the afternoon continuation to Nemi, Ariccia and Albano Laziale, passing through the regional park of Castelli Romani, where is possible verify the phenomenon of “magnetic ascent". In the evening return in hotel, dinner and night.

3rd day: Tivoli

Breakfast in hotel and departure for a full day excursion of Tivoli. Visit of Villa Adriana, the most important and complex villa arrived to us from the roman antiquity. Lunch in restaurant. In the afternoon visit of Villa d'Este, famous for their fountains that work with the natural pressure of the water. In the afternoon return in hotel for dinner and night.

4th day: Roma and departure

Breakfast in hotel. Free visit of Roma. Finish of the services.